
Pelosi Loses Control In Live Video – Nancy Stumbles Through Speech, Says “Porice Blutality, Supplutes”

Nancy Pelosi has been working in D.C. for over thirty years and it’s really starting to show. She appeared before the cameras to discuss some recent news. And, much like her buddy Joe Biden, she had real trouble keeping her words straight. Look out, because this is the worst we’ve seen yet: From Breitbart: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi addressed reporters on Monday, and botched the names of blacks killed by police, mangled words, and called one of her longtime Democrat colleagues by the wrong name… During a dramatic reading of the names of black victims of alleged police violence, Pelosi botched several of the names, including Philando Castile and Trayvon Martin. During a recent press conference, Nancy Pelosi struggled numerous times. While reading prepared remarks, she slurred her speech, mangled words, and mixed up or mispronounced the names of many people. She mispronounced the names of several black people. She confused the names of her own colleagues. And she couldn’t pronou